It’s that time of year! You’ve had your spring cleanup, you’ve cleared out old brush, or you’ve finished your recent hardscaping project. No matter what, you’ve just had new lawn installed, and now, you just can’t wait to see that first green up. Immediately after seeding, keep the very top layer of soil moist. Keeping […]
Masseo Landscape Blog
Building a Landscape Budget – “But What Will it Cost?”
“But what will it Cost?” That’s probably the most frequently asked question in the industry. We’d love to answer it for you – really, we would. But, it’s not that simple. Landscapes are as individual as their owners, meaning they come with unique strengths and pitfalls. So when it comes to cost, no matter how identical […]
Fall Landscape Checklist
Fall has arrived! We’ve compiled a list of fall landscape chores that often get forgotten. Get your landscape ready for winter and give it a leg up in the spring by ticking off a few items on this check list. Fertilize your lawn. September usually brings a break from heat and dry weather, so it’s […]
Why You Should Fertilize in the Fall
Fall is sort of the unsung savior of the landscaping world. It’s one last hurrah for your landscape before the winter blankets it in snow, and it marks the end of heat and droughts during the summer. For those last weeks in September, October and November, your lawn and plants can thrive again. You may […]
A Soggy Slope: Case Study
The Problem Slopes can give your landscape definition and variety, but they come with their own set of pitfalls. The most common issues we see relate to drainage, as was the case with this client from Highland, NY. Their pool yard sat directly at the foot of the hill in their backyard. During storms and […]
6 Tips for Planning a Landscaping Project Wisely
Thinking about adding to or redesigning your landscape this summer? Any construction project can be overwhelming at first, but as with anything else, taking things step by step is key. So we put together a quick outline to help you get a handle on things ahead of time. 1. Figure Out Your Endgame. This may […]
Identifying Drainage Issues in your Landscape
The sun is out, the snow has melted, and you finally get to put away that heavy parka. Spring has arrived! But as the world thaws, you may start to notice some issues with your landscape. The spring thaw puts much more than the average amount of water into your landscape. This is the time […]
Winter Landscape Care Tips
You’ve raked, mulched, fertilized, and put those beds to rest, but landscape care doesn’t stop on December 21. Here are a few tips on how to keep caring for your landscape through the cold months. After a storm, gently brush built-up snow from your shrubs and small trees. However, if they’re covered in ice, leave […]
Fixing a Slipping Grade: Case Study
Have you ever seen a slipping grade? You probably have, but might not have recognized it for what it is: a serious stability issue. Slipping grades occur in hillsides and slopes where the sides cannot support the weight at the top. Worsened by erosion, the slope actually breaks and begins to collapse in on itself […]
To Mulch Or Not To Mulch
The answer is always yes to mulch! It is a matter of how much and frequency that needs to be addressed. It is a common mistake by a lot of commercial landscapers to use mulch in excess which can be detrimental to your plants. Mulch is primarily used for the following reasons: Conserve water in […]