For Your Lawn… Reality time: no matter how drought-tolerant the grass, if you want it to stay green, you must water it. Whether by hand or using an irrigation system, daily watering is the only thing that will keep your lawn green during the scorching weather. The other option is to let your lawn go […]
storm water management
6 Tips for Planning a Landscaping Project Wisely
Thinking about adding to or redesigning your landscape this summer? Any construction project can be overwhelming at first, but as with anything else, taking things step by step is key. So we put together a quick outline to help you get a handle on things ahead of time. 1. Figure Out Your Endgame. This may […]
Identifying Drainage Issues in your Landscape
The sun is out, the snow has melted, and you finally get to put away that heavy parka. Spring has arrived! But as the world thaws, you may start to notice some issues with your landscape. The spring thaw puts much more than the average amount of water into your landscape. This is the time […]
Fixing a Slipping Grade: Case Study
Have you ever seen a slipping grade? You probably have, but might not have recognized it for what it is: a serious stability issue. Slipping grades occur in hillsides and slopes where the sides cannot support the weight at the top. Worsened by erosion, the slope actually breaks and begins to collapse in on itself […]